i.m.a.g.i.n.e. Peace Now
“Gun Control” by Marc D’Estout
I.M.A.G.I.N.E Peace Now is exhibition featuring decommissioned guns, received through buyback programs, transformed into art objects and new expressions of peace, curated by Boris Bally. The exhibition has traveled the US since 2016. Radius is presenting a portion of the traveling exhibition and a Bay Area invitational curated by Ann Hazels and Angela Gleason.
I.M.A.G.I.N.E Peace Now stands for the ‘innovative merger of art and guns to inspire new expressions.’ Participating artists were challenged to create works of art that incorporate disabled firearms taken off the streets. The objects vary — some are friendly and clever, while others are more confrontational.
Dauvit Alexander, Sue Amendolara, Hratch Babikian, Julia Barello, Harriete Estel Berman, Ken Bova, Melissa Cameron, Pierre Cavalan, Sonya Clark, Randall Cleaver, Cappy Counard, Seliena Coyle, Johanna Dahm, Chris Darway, Jack Dasilva, Marilyn Dasilva, Bill Durovchic, Ebendorf/Lechtenberg, Cynthia Eid, Frankie Flood, Nancy Fouts, Shingo Furukawa, Glen Gardner, Arthur Hash, Andrew Hayes, LeeAnn Herreid, Hesh/Margry, John Huckins, Robert Jackson, Aaron Kramer, Tim Lazure, Leslie W. LePere, Dan Levin, Keith Lo Bue, Jan Loney, Tom Mann, Brooke Marks-Swanson, Joe Muench, Tom Muir, Ries Neimi, Petersen/Neofotistos, Nash Quinn, Dindy Reich, Phil Renato, Kirsten Rook, Stephen Saracino, Heath Satow, Linda Savineau, Biba Schutz, Caitlin Skelcey, Stierlin/Dahm, Rebecca Strzelec, Donald Stuart, Billie Theide, James Thurman, Irene Lavon Walker, Gerald Weckesser, April Wood, Renee Zettle-Sterling
Jamie Abbott, Jody Alexander, Curtis Arima, Marc d’Estout, Carlos Dye, Yvonne Escalante, Angela Gleason, Jack Howe, Laura Laura, Louise Leong, Sean Monigihan, Beverly Rayner, Diane Ritch, Mary Tartaro, Lynne Todoro
On exhibition October 11 - November 11, 2018
Artists Reception: Friday, October 19, 6:00-8:00pm
Peace Panel: Wednesday, October 24, 6:00-8:00pm
Artists Talk: Sunday, November 11 at 2:00pm